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The Day Before Night

T’was such an intense experience, and it’s going to take awhile to get out. It just ended, and I’m still processing. This video is from the day before the all night crazyfest where everybody went batshit to get cleared out the bad spirits who had taken over and open the way for the good ones to come back in. So it is just a few seconds of me in the rainforest with these four Sikerei shaman who had agreed to lead the ceremony that night. They are looking for just the right plant medicine to bring back for an this all night dance ceremony. Goal: to retrieve the soul of my host, Amansergei, the Sikerei Looking for His Soul.

It was now time. All the clan had come. All the Sikerei had come. The day was upon us, and soon the night: we were to find out if we could find Amansergei’s soul.

We are on Siberut, and we are deep in the jungle. January 25, 2012. ~14:00.

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